Be blessed and be a blessing by bringing a group to the Casa
Why bring a group?
Why should I bring or be part of a group to the Casa? Would it not be wiser just to send the money and stay home? Let me try to answer that.question.
Groups have always been a special part of life at Casa de Niños. In this picture I came with a group to visit the Casa. I did not have any thoughts or plans to stay. That was 25 years ago. God had a plan!
Many of our financial supporters once visited the Casa.
Years ago we had a group at the Casa and one lady toward the end of her time with us shared that she was a little disappointed in that she could not see that anything was accomplished with her time at the Casa. I shared with her that the little girl that she had become quickly attached to had just arrived at the Casa and that she had very recently tragically lost her mother. The woman cried as she could now see that the hugs and time spent with this little life was God pouring out His love through her life. This is one story but this story says it very well. We are God's resource bank. The key to having great results in anything is working together. Casa de Niños needs God's wonderful people to be part of the work here. We need the gifts that he has placed within you. Ask God where he wants to use those gifts that he has deposited in your life.
You are much more valuable than what you can imagine.
OK God I hear you.
If you feel God speaking to you about bringing a group to the Casa here are some useful things.
What your day might be like.
7:00 Breakfast 8:00 Group devotion time 9:00 Start work project 2:00 Lunch 3:00 Activity with children 6:00 Light supper 10:00 Lights out
Here is some information to help you in bringing a group to the Casa.
Bringing a group to the Casa involves preparation ahead of time, but most of all it is just bringing a willing heart and using those talents that you already have inside you.
Having a group here is a combination of work projects, activities, fun with the kids, sharing your love with kids, and staff, and seeing a little bit of life in Tepic.
You should always come expecting God to do something through your life, but most of all expect God to do something in your life. Giving time to serve God always has rewards for the giver.