in their time of great need.

Our mission is to provide a loving family atmosphere in our care center for those that God sends to us. Over the years we have seen that there is truly no place like a loving home. Our goal is to work with homes through education, special care, showing a loving environment, group and individual therapy. God's love is the only answer to the problems facing society today. True love is the only answer to a dysfunctional home, and the only answer for a life without hope. Our work has always been beyond our property borders. God has guided us to work our way into homes. Our family is big. We work at living in harmony and showing God's love. Here at the Casa we are children, single mothers, teens, students. Many volunteers from our city come to help us with painting, cleaning, gardening, cooking, and many other things. We always try to show God's love to those who come.
"Let His light remain in you so that fruitful lives will sprout from you sharing that light."
Supporting our work financially is a wonderful way to get involved working with us!
We can only continue to provide for all the needs (physical, academic, emotional, and spiritual) of those that God sends to us because of your willingness to support financially. God has blessed and sustained us for many years, but always through people like you who come alongside our work and provide the "nuts and bolts" (a bed, toothpaste, medicines, educational costs for single moms, etc.) We will do the work continuing to give many lives a safe place full of God’s peace and love.
"Let His light remain in you so that fruitful lives will sprout from you sharing that light."
Supporting our work financially is a wonderful way to get involved working with us!
We can only continue to provide for all the needs (physical, academic, emotional, and spiritual) of those that God sends to us because of your willingness to support financially. God has blessed and sustained us for many years, but always through people like you who come alongside our work and provide the "nuts and bolts" (a bed, toothpaste, medicines, educational costs for single moms, etc.) We will do the work continuing to give many lives a safe place full of God’s peace and love.
Please visit and tell others about these wonderful people that are part of the big Casa family, and they support Casa de Niños through what they do.