Everything we give to our children is through the support, love and altruism of people like you who selflessly help us with your donations.
Support us at the Casa
Make your checks payable to Mission Support Team and send it to:
Mission Support Team PO Box 277 Waxahachie, Texas 75168 (Mission Support Team will deposit in our account and send you a tax receipt with a Casa de Niños newsletter included.)
The sole support of Casa de Niños is through financial gifts and monthly contributions coming from individuals, businesses, organizations, and churches. Our expenses are many and varied, principally because from the time a child enters our home all their needs are met by the Casa directly. Those needs can and have extended to cover not only basic necessities such as food or clothing, but visits to places of therapy and hospitalization for children with more dire needs. We do not have a golden parachute, but we actually have something better – you as a donor under God’s direction. As the Holy Spirit leads you, please consider if and how you may help us. We thank you in advance. May you be richly blessed by your participation with us at the Casa in supporting God’s children in Tepic, Mexico.
"When my father and my mother forsake me,
Then the Lord will take care of me"
Psalms 27:10
If you choose to direct your gift to a specific need select the button below.
You can donate to the Casa here with PayPal as well.
Our monthly expenses in US dollars is $4,825 What we really need is $6,500 Payroll includes 12 National workers in our home and school (All missionaries raise their own support). Most medical is free. All maintenance in is short funded. Food cost per child per day is aprox. 1 dollar