I believe that God has a plan for each life. Knowing what that is then is one thing, sticking to that plan, or staying on track is just as important. We often find a niche in life that seems right for us, but later on in the course of life get distracted or led off that segment of our life that felt right. That special thing, activity, calling, or whatever you might say it is could be a multitude of different things, like for example; sports, cooking, writing, music, helping others, ministry, etc. The point here is not a particular thing but rather something that God has put within us, His plan, where we feel right doing that particular thing. Now on with my point. I personally have been in God's plan for my life for many years here in Casa de Niños a children's home for abandoned and abused children. My simple calling has been to love these special lives that God has sent through these doors, some for a short period of time and others for many years. In this process of walking in this seemingly simple calling I have found myself many times off the path. There is always too much to do in life and the important things often and unfortunately get put aside for something that is much less important but there in front of us. The picture here is of a girl that was with us for a year or so and came to us from a mountain village. Her condition was caused only by a lack of nourishment. God used her life to help solidify that which He wanted me to do, and/or the passion that was inside of me. Mariana liked to sit outside in the day enjoying the beautiful outdoors, and she loved to be loved. When I would go by her in route to complete a task she would call out my name. There were some occasions that I was in a hurry to get something done, and hearing her calling me, inside I would want to pretend that I did not hear her voice calling me. In one of those times I felt so strongly God speaking to me as I tried to rush past her, "Russ, what have I brought you here to do?" I immediately knew what He wanted to show me. I stopped and returned to spend some time sharing love with her. Mariana was a special child to me. My wife and I had her at home many times and we enjoyed greatly the time God gave us with her. I still can hear her voice calling me in the night to come and help her change her position in bed as she did not have the strength to do even that. God gave us great joy in loving her and many children that have been here. I believe true joy is found when we have learned to stay on track!