We have been learning through classes that Irma gives on raising children, that the mission of a parent should be to help discover the gifts within our children. God has helped us to better ourselves in what we do here at the Casa. I know we all wish that we could have had more knowledge about being good parents back when parenting was new to us. My wife is an excellent teacher and has gained much knowledge over the years, and God uses her at the Casa teaching our workers and some outsiders that want to be part of her classes. We need to do a better job as parents at whatever stage we are at. It is never too late!
I have been working harder to help our children find, identify, and use the gifts that they have within. On Sundays I have a class with the adults and teens. I like to ask different people from the class to share either a few minutes or more if they desire. In these times I have seen one of our teen girls who is just 14 years old really excel in this area of sharing and teaching. She is the only one that when asked to share will ask for the whole time. Most will just use no more than 5 minutes. I have been so impressed with her effort and the creativity she puts into her class. This past Sunday she really did a fantastic job. People were blessed and touched in the service. During the service she was moved to tears as she began to share something from her heart. I know these opportunities help shape her character and all those that make that commitment to prepare and seek God are eternally changed as they allow God to flow through them. Lives transformed is the reason that God brings these little ones to us.
Blessings to you all and have a wonderful Christmas season!
I have been working harder to help our children find, identify, and use the gifts that they have within. On Sundays I have a class with the adults and teens. I like to ask different people from the class to share either a few minutes or more if they desire. In these times I have seen one of our teen girls who is just 14 years old really excel in this area of sharing and teaching. She is the only one that when asked to share will ask for the whole time. Most will just use no more than 5 minutes. I have been so impressed with her effort and the creativity she puts into her class. This past Sunday she really did a fantastic job. People were blessed and touched in the service. During the service she was moved to tears as she began to share something from her heart. I know these opportunities help shape her character and all those that make that commitment to prepare and seek God are eternally changed as they allow God to flow through them. Lives transformed is the reason that God brings these little ones to us.
Blessings to you all and have a wonderful Christmas season!