1 archaic : tuneful sound : melody 2 a : the combination of simultaneous musical notes in a chord
3 a : pleasing arrangement of parts : congruence b : agreement, accord c : internal calm : tranquility
4 a : an interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative b : a systematic arrangement of parallel literary passages (as of the Gospels) for the purpose of showing agreement or harmony
This is the definition for harmony that I found in Merriam Webster. A couple parts that I want to focus on are: "pleasing arrangement of parts, internal calm, and interweaving". I have noticed recently and in the past that often when someone has a point to make or an idea to add, people do not take what is being said in the right way. This could be in an office, classroom, or in a home. We need to understand how God works.
Bringing notes together in a unique form creates a pleasant and soothing sound that can even calm a troubled soul. A pleasing arrangement of harmony not only comes from music, but can also be created by a unique arrangement of gifts and attitudes. We should have this way of thinking in our homes and groups that we may be involved with. God uses this concept of harmony with us. He may give someone an inspiration that needs to be sounded out at home or your group. God will work through that person who he has inspired with a bountiful thought to feed those near to form a great idea. Often we receive this inspiration with rejection or contempt because it was not my idea. God wants us to work in harmony so that the ideas become an inter-weaved plan that all participate in. Receive inspiration as it comes. God will bring harmony when we learn to hear his heart that often comes from a mouth we may not expect. When we learn to work together in this way, at home or where ever we are, harmony will touch those around. True harmony is an idea transformed into a marvelous plan by a group of persons that have learned to receive and work with what God has given to them. Sweet music to God's ears.