Having an impact.

Mexico has changed their laws concerning children especially those that are in institutions. The local welfare agencies are instructed by the Federal government to find others family members that would be willing to take the children in. The last few months we have had several new children at Casa de Niños but they have only stayed with us for a few days or weeks. This brings to us a new challenge in having a positive impact on these little lives. With so little time to gain trust, see their character and personality, understand a little of their inner hurts, we need your prayers for God's wisdom. Our main goal is showing love to them as most come to us with a poor understanding of what love is. Love is that incredible power that can form good character and greatly help a life to be a very productive person in society. Showing true love allows us to leave something wonderful inside each child that comes to us. Blessings to you and have a great day!