In my many years here at Casa de Niños my wife and I have had several opportunities to care for very young children and babies. As they need special care and attention we become their mom and dad for the time needed by the welfare agency to resolve the legalities of the situation or rehabilitate the parents. These have been some of the most challenging and rewarding times my wife and I have spent here. This particular child in the picture was with us for several months along with his two older brothers and a sister. Because of his age and condition we took this little guy home with us when our day ended. One weekend my wife had school so we went up to work on some land that I had. I put a blanket in a wheelbarrow and moved him around to where I was working. We had a good time and this picture has a special place in my heart. This was many years ago and the family was reunited. My wife and I have visited the family many times to continue being a part of their lives. Memories and good times are important in all of our lives. We all have special memories that we cherish and they are important things that we save in a special place of our hearts. These children that spent longer periods of time with us were very difficult to let go, but now they are among those very special memories that we cherish and often talk about remembering the times that they were with us. God bless you all and have a wonderful day!