Have you ever lost an important document? That is usually after the important to you piece of paper leaves your hands and is entrusted to someone else to deliver, review, sign, etc. When that happens it is frustrating, but most likely you can print again the document and start that process over. It is just a piece of paper so lets not get too worked up over that.
Imagine a child sitting in a reception area waiting. At first all is well as the child is occupied with things in the room there, but as time goes by the child becomes impatient and begins to question this waiting process. Even more difficult to explain when "your turn" does not happen that day, or the next.
I have worked in social work for many years with the cutest kids you could find. I have been in these "waiting rooms" with them. Children that have been abandoned or abused, but just the same, children with great potential inside. Little ones really needing someone to help them along; loving them through a difficult time of their lives. Waiting is a hard thing even for us big people. What are they waiting for you think?
Spending the last 25 years of my life in a children's home I have seen many little lives come and go. I want to say that these lives are better off than when they came into our institution. We pour love into these little lives. Waiting though is a very frustrating thing. It can even turn the most mild mannered person into a grouch. Our work in the children's home is to give them a wonderful place to be while they wait. We give them a wonderful refuge in their time of great need. Waiting can even be a resentful thing for even a big mature adult.
Something that has really irritated me in these years that I have worked with these children, and it happens way to often. I am talking about a process or transformation where at some point that cute child with a world of potential is reduced to just number on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that gets moved from one desk to another and from office to office. These papers with numbers rather than names spend years, yes years just getting pushed around from one place to another. I thank God that I was not one of those poor little guys with a long ugly number for a name.
"A child should never be reduced to just a piece of paper."
Many children are lost on desks; in file cabinets, or have fallen on the floor only to get tossed in the garbage. Really though how could someone treat a child in that way? I have cared for and loved children for many years as they have been waiting for a home, or waiting to be adopted. Every child needs a loving home, and those that don't have one wait and long for it. When that wait becomes a day after day, week after week, and year after year wait, the waiting room becomes a very unpleasant place to be. It is a big deal when that piece of paper is a child waiting for a mommy and daddy. A child in an institution maybe, waiting for a "process" that is usually ridiculously slow. So bogged down with red tape. We live in a day where everything is done faster or more efficient. I do ask why cannot a process that gives a child a home move quickly? A special seal needs to be put on all these documents that has the tear-filled eyes of a little child just to remind the person handling the paper that a child is somewhere waiting...
"Learning to wait is a good thing, but when waiting becomes a torment it needs to end."
Imagine a child sitting in a reception area waiting. At first all is well as the child is occupied with things in the room there, but as time goes by the child becomes impatient and begins to question this waiting process. Even more difficult to explain when "your turn" does not happen that day, or the next.
I have worked in social work for many years with the cutest kids you could find. I have been in these "waiting rooms" with them. Children that have been abandoned or abused, but just the same, children with great potential inside. Little ones really needing someone to help them along; loving them through a difficult time of their lives. Waiting is a hard thing even for us big people. What are they waiting for you think?
Spending the last 25 years of my life in a children's home I have seen many little lives come and go. I want to say that these lives are better off than when they came into our institution. We pour love into these little lives. Waiting though is a very frustrating thing. It can even turn the most mild mannered person into a grouch. Our work in the children's home is to give them a wonderful place to be while they wait. We give them a wonderful refuge in their time of great need. Waiting can even be a resentful thing for even a big mature adult.
Something that has really irritated me in these years that I have worked with these children, and it happens way to often. I am talking about a process or transformation where at some point that cute child with a world of potential is reduced to just number on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that gets moved from one desk to another and from office to office. These papers with numbers rather than names spend years, yes years just getting pushed around from one place to another. I thank God that I was not one of those poor little guys with a long ugly number for a name.
"A child should never be reduced to just a piece of paper."
Many children are lost on desks; in file cabinets, or have fallen on the floor only to get tossed in the garbage. Really though how could someone treat a child in that way? I have cared for and loved children for many years as they have been waiting for a home, or waiting to be adopted. Every child needs a loving home, and those that don't have one wait and long for it. When that wait becomes a day after day, week after week, and year after year wait, the waiting room becomes a very unpleasant place to be. It is a big deal when that piece of paper is a child waiting for a mommy and daddy. A child in an institution maybe, waiting for a "process" that is usually ridiculously slow. So bogged down with red tape. We live in a day where everything is done faster or more efficient. I do ask why cannot a process that gives a child a home move quickly? A special seal needs to be put on all these documents that has the tear-filled eyes of a little child just to remind the person handling the paper that a child is somewhere waiting...
"Learning to wait is a good thing, but when waiting becomes a torment it needs to end."